There are very few people with the filmography Nicolas Cage has with highs earning him an Academy Award and lows that had him screaming at CGI bees. He is known for many films from blockbuster 90s action films to recent indie darlings. There are many more to list in his career that people may, or may not, know. No matter the style or popularity of the film, each have helped shape the public image of what people think is the “real” actor. Not to say that professional and personal image is one for one who Nic Cage really is. However, that persona is what this movie is about.
Going into the film, do not think that it will be a retelling of true events of a Hollywood star, such as Ed Wood or The Disaster Artist. It’s more of an exploration of the fictional mythos filled with great comedic moments, great characters and all the Nicolas Cage references you could want.
Nicolas Cage plays Nick Cage, a man that is no longer a blockbuster star, has money issues from his celebrity lifestyle and is disconnected from his family. As Cage succumbs to his issues, a very wealthy businessman, played by Pedro Pascal, offers him $1,000,000 to fly to appear at his birthday party and offer him a job. The chemistry between the two male leads forms some of the best comedic bits in the film.
Even if this is your first Nicolas Cage movie, you can and will enjoy it. Sure, having more knowledge of the actor’s career will help you understand some of the jokes, but there’s plenty here to enjoy. This includes an unexpected addition to a film that could have just been filled with jokes at the actor’s expense: that being the passion of a person’s heart.
The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent is in theaters April 22.
Nick Cage’s internal struggle to understand what makes him happy, along with fixing his mistakes, really helps ground this mythical character. The pacing should also be complimented as the movie was always engaging.
While I have nothing but praise for most of the movie, I do wish the cinematography was better as it feels a little flat. A more interesting style would have really captured this film’s wacky identity. Instead, they relied on shots reminiscent of Cages previous films. Combine that more interesting style with a stronger third act and this could have resulted in one of Nicolas Cages best films. In the end though, viewers get a great comedic character study and a mark fitting for a man with such a legacy.
Rating: 4/5
Trey Trieschock assisted with reporting for this review.
The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent screened at SXSW 2022 with Nic Cage in attendance. See who else made appearances at the festival here.