When we ventured over to Spain, we couldn’t skip Seville. Yes, there’s fabulous food, wine, bull fighting and flamenco, but there are also some pretty rad filming locations from two of our favorite franchises: Star Wars and Game of Thrones.
Here are our three favorite filming locations in Seville, Spain!
Plaza de España
This gorgeous spot is where Amidala and Anakin take a walk in Attack of the Clones. It is the stand in for Naboo’s palace in the film.
Plaza de España was also featured in The Dictator, starring Sacha Baron Cohen. It was the governor’s palace.

Real Alcázar of Seville
One of Game of Thrones most recognizable filming locations is The Real Alcázar Palace of Seville. It was featured as the Water Gardens of House Martell and Dorne. And we must mention that it is home to daddy! Oberyn Martell is played by Pedro Pascal.
This location is featured in multiple episodes including Season 5, Episodes 2, 6, 7, and 9, as well as Season 6, Episode 1.
The four parts of Alcazar’s royal palace utilized are:
- Jaime meets Prince Doran in the Hall of Ambassadors. After explaining his mission to retrieve his daughter/ niece Myrcella from Dorne. After revealing that Ellaria Sand is behind the threat, the prince grants Jaime’s freedom and allows Myrcella to return home to King’s Landing.
- The Pond of Mercury appears in the same episode mentioned above.
- In Season 5’s episode 6, Ellaria Sand and her daughters (the infamous “Sand Snakes”) meet at The Baths of Maria de Padilla to plot revenge for Oberyn Martell’s murder.
- The palace gardens (the Pavilion of Carlos V specifically) are used as the locale where Jaime confronts Myrcella and Trystane while infiltrating the gardens, only to be ambushed by the Sand Snakes.

Roman Site of Italica
Just north of the city you will find Italica. Founded by the Romans in 206 B.C., Italica is known to be the birthplace of three Roman Emperors: Hadrian, Trajan, and Theodosius.
The amphitheater of Italica, which once held 25,000 spectators, was the third largest in the Roman Empire. Today, Italica is located in modern-day Santiponce. This is the location of the pit where Daenerys Targaryen keeps her dragons. It is a short 20 minute drive from Seville. On our trip, we chose to Uber there.

Bonus Filming Fact
One of the most famous movies of all time, and winner of seven academy awards, Lawrence of Arabia used Seville as the filming location for many cities featured in the movie such as Cairo, Jerusalem or Damascus. Locations includ: Plaza de España, Pilato’s House and the Royal/ Real Alcazar.