Freeform’s Cruel Summer is back for season two with a whole new cast and plot! Much like the first season, the new season debuted at ATX Television Festival where we got to chat with the lead cast members. We already profiled our chat with Lexi Underwood. Now, we’re sharing the details of our interview with Sadie Stanley.
But first, if you’re new to the Cruel Summer universe you can read about season one here. Both seasons of the series are mysteries set to multiple timelines. Season two is set in 1999 and 2000 while season one (which was shot on location in Dallas) took place earlier in the 90s.
Sadie Stanley plays Megan Landry. You might know her from Kim Possible, The Goldbergs or various other projects she’s been involved with. Keep reading to find out what she has to say about the new season, why she wants to stop time and what she thinks about the 90s!
We started by asking Sadie to describe the series to us like she would to a friend. Here’s what she said:
Well, it’s a lot like season one. We have the same kind of formula and format. We have three different timelines set in 1999 and 2000. Over the course of a year we meet these three characters… My character Megan, when you first meet her she’s just like a goody two-shoes straight A student. She goes through a huge arc and becomes a completely different person at the end of it. You don’t even recognize her. There is a death in the town and some people are under investigation for it. It’s very dramatic and it’s very angsty Y2K nostalgia. I’m rambling now but it’s really fun and you should watch it.
Sadie Stanley
Here’s more of our interview with Sadie Stanley!
What helped you prepare for this role?
“This role is exactly what I was looking for. I wanted something that was a little bit darker and had a little bit more like depth and grit to it. So to have the three different timelines, I felt like I was like playing three different characters. I don’t know what exactly prepared me for it cause I haven’t experienced a lot of the things my character has. However, her personality kind of growth that we see in the season was like very similar to me as a kid growing up I was like a super straight A student, goody two shoes, didn’t kiss a boy till way later – you know what I mean? So I guess I can kind of relate to that. Other than that I just kinda did it!”
Season 2 is set in the late 90s. What’s something you learned about the 90s?
“All those trends are coming back, the Y2K vibes. Fashion and music came very easily to me. I love all the nostalgia. The early 2000’s music and the low rise jeans, I’m already into it. My character is a coder so I have to learn about what the internet was like at the time. It was very different and just getting started at the time.”

We like to “Keep Austin weird” what’s something weird about you.
“I have a twin sister, that’s kind of weird. I have two cats at the age of 21. Some people might think that’s weird. I want 17 of them but again I don’t want to be too weird. I don’t like pickles.”
Editor’s note: We had to break it to her that none of these things were particularly weird and she couldn’t help but agree!
What’s your favorite TV show of all time?
“Grey’s Anatomy… or Vampires Diaries… or New Girl! New Girl is my final answer!”
Who is your dream dinner guest?
“Jennifer Lawrence.”
What’s your theme song?
“Right now, Teenage Dirtbag – cause it’s from the show.”

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
“To be able to freeze time. Everyone freezes except me. Sometimes you just need an extra hour of sleep or an extra moment to think about something or an extra moment to just chill or relish in something. I’ve always wanted to be able to stop time.”
What’s your drink of choice?
“Tequila Pineapple. I need a little juice in there. I’m still like a baby.”
Watch Sadie Stanley in the trailer for Cruel Summer season 2 here:
You can watch Cruel Summer Mondays on Freeform and stream on Hulu the next day.