For the past five decades, National Lampoon has pushed boundaries in the comedy universe. At the heart of this iconic comedy brand is Radio Hour which in the 1970's first introduced the world to...
Brooklyn Decker, Catt Sadler, and Lo Bosworth Added to Create and Cultivate Free SXSW Event
Create and Cultivate has announced that, along with the legendary Michelle Pfeiffer, Brooklyn Decker, Catt Sadler and Lo Bosworth will be be attending as keynote speakers at their SXSW event. It’s...
The Showtime House is Returning to SXSW
The Showtime House is coming back to SXSW! On Tuesday, March 17, The SHOWTIME House will once again take over Clive Bar on Rainey Street. Be there for a Shameless St. Patrick’s Day Celebration....
Scrubs and Cougar Town Reunions Happening at ATX Television Festival
ATX Television Festival is reuniting the casts of two TV faves at the 2020 festival. ATX Season 9 will include reunions of Scrubs and Cougar Town. Creator/ director/ executive producer Bill Lawrence...
Michelle Pfeiffer Coming to Austin for Free SXSW Event
Create & Cultivate has announced that the legendary Michelle Pfeiffer will be a keynote speaker at their SXSW event. It's free to RSVP and no badge is required to attend, though we expect there...
Here Are The Austin Connections to Movies and Events Happening at the Austin Film Fest 2019
We don’t know about you, but we haven’t even fully recovered from ACL Music Fest. But it’s time to push on because the Austin Film Fest is here! Though there are some major motion pictures making...
Celebrities Connections at ACL Music Festival 2019
It's almost time for one of our favorite weekends of the year: ACL Music Festival. We love the music, of course. But we also love celebrity watching while at the fest. And this year, there are quite...
ATXgossip Guide: Top Spots in Austin If You’re Under 21
One of the great things about Austin is that it has something for everyone. While we admit it's harder finding spots in Austin if you're under 21, it's not impossible. Growing up, we were mesmerized...
Why You Should Get Behind Everyone Is Doing Great – The James Lafferty and Stephen Colletti Passion Project
Everyone knows James Lafferty and Stephen Colletti from the ever so charming, hit teen WB show, One Tree Hill. And after attending a screening of their new show at the ATX Television Festival, I...
Veronica Mars Could Have Been Set at Westlake High And Other Facts Marshmallows Will Love – ATX Television Festival 2019 Recap
When Rob Thomas, Jason Dohring, Percy Daggs III, and Enrico Colantoni first agreed to do a Veronica Mars panel at ATX Television Festival, we're betting they did not expect the scream heard around...
Five Favorite Things About the ATX Television Festival 2019 – Part 3
Before the ATX Television Festival, we listed the five things we were most looking forward to. Now, we're talking about the five best things we saw/ did/ experienced at the fest. You already heard...
Five Favorite Things About the ATX Television Festival 2019 – Part 2
Before the ATX Television Festival, we listed the five things we were most looking forward to. Now, we're talking about the five best things we saw/ did/ experienced at the fest. Next up is Lola....