The AMC television series Fear the Walking Dead continues to shoot in Austin, Texas. The first half of season four is set to conclude in June, after airing just eight episodes. However, the series...
Austin shot Fear the Walking Dead premieres Sunday
When Fear the Walking Dead returns to AMC on Monday, you may see some familiar locations. That's because season four was shot right here in Central Texas. We first heard rumors of FTWD filming in...
The Best of SXSW 2018
All week I've been saying that SXSW 2018 was my 10th SXSW. This morning, after a good night's sleep, I awoke realizing that this was actually my 11th SXSW. Good to know that my stellar math skills...
Taylor Kitsch stars in Waco TV series, premiering Wednesday on Paramount Network
The premiere of the long awaited Waco TV series is happening this week on the all new Paramount Network, formerly Spike TV. 25 years after the Branch Davidian drama unfolded in Waco, this six-part...
Show your Lone Star pride with a FREE Texas tshirt
Y’all, how cute is this Texas tshirt? We are simply loving ALL the shirts from State Love Apparel, but the ones featuring Texas are, of course, our faves. And get this... we’ve partnered with them...
Family Business Beer Co. Now Open Near Austin
The long awaited opening of Family Business Beer Co. has arrived! Though Supernatural is currently shooting in Canada, the beer must brew on! Family Business Beer Co. co-owner Jensen Ackles posted...
It’s official, Austin is too popular! Even God wants to move to Austin
On CBS's The Late Show With Stephen Colbert on Wednesday night, Austin received some high praise. During the host's nightly monologue, God himself affirmed what we already know; Austin is too...
9 celebrity sightings at Austin City Limits Music Festival
On stage wasn't the only place you could spot a celeb at ACL. Here are 9 celebrity sighting at Austin City Limits Music Festival weekend two. Matthew McConaughey As we first told you, Matthew...
Jensen Ackles Family Business Beer Co. swag available now
It looks like Supernatural star Jensen Ackles' Family Business Beer Co. is about ready to start serving to the Austin area. Earlier this week, the Austinite took to Instagram to share pictures of...
10 Austin celebrities supporting the Houston Relief Effort
Everything's bigger in Texas... even disaster relief efforts. As Houston suffers what could be the worst disaster in Texas history, some famous Austin celebrities are making it known that they love...
Taylor Kitsch talks American Assassin, the Waco TV project and life in Austin, Texas
When Taylor Kitsch steps up to you on a red carpet, you'd think it would cause immediate nerve rattling anxiety. At least, that's what I thought. For an hour before his arrival, I intensely fretted...
Jensen Ackles Introduces New Austin Beer at Comic Con
During #ConanCon at Comic Con 2017, Jensen Ackles debuted a keg from his new Austin brewery. As ATXgossip reported, the Supernatural star will open the Family Business Beer Co. later this summer...