The Ryan Reynolds thriller Buried premiered at Fantastic Fest. The star arrived about 45 minutes late. The PR people claimed it was due to some fan “issue (stalker perhaps?).” I think it may have more to do with dinner at Trio at the Four Seasons.
Here are pictures of Ryan working his way through a sea of fans to step onto the carpet.
Gotta love that Big Lebowski shirt the film’s director was wearing.
Since he wouldn’t do shout outs nor throw up the horns, I doubt his publicist would let him pose for a picture. So, this is the best I could do.
Below, he is simply greeting his director. Don’t get any other ideas.
And finally, I don’t know if this is the “issue” discussed earlier, but there was a guy yelling from the crowd the entire time Ryan was on scene. I wish I had more of his “song.” It had something to do with supporting America and not Canada.