At the heart of the Apollo missions was the team who worked in Mission Control right here in Texas. The documentary Mission Control The Unsung Heroes of Apollo, which made its world premiere at...
The SXSW 2017 Diaries
Let me start by saying, I'm just too old for this. Well, at least I'm too old to do South By the way I used to. I still have fomo and I still hate seeing something cool I missed online. However, I...
Like Me director Robert Mockler talks Texas and SXSW
The film Like Me premiered at SXSW on Monday but you still have two more chances to catch the drama thriller. The story involves a young girl who, after posting a video of herself robbing a...
Luke Korem talks Dealt, SXSW and totally Texan actors
The documentary Dealt tells the story of 62-year-old Richard Turner who is renowned as one of the world’s greatest card magicians He is also completely blind. In the documentary, Richard traces his...
The ladies behind Inheritance talk SXSW, two-stepping and the White Horse
Writers and directors of the film Inheritance Laura E. Davis and Jessica Kaye are making their first appearance as filmmakers at SXSW 2017. Before chatting about Austin and the Lone Star State, we...
Jeff Malberg talks Spettacolo, SXSW and the Salt Lick
The SXSW film Spettacolo is about a tiny hill town in Tuscany that has been turning their lives into a play for the last 50 years. The documentary (yep, there's a town that really does that) is...
The world of Hugh Hefner comes to SXSW with American Playboy
The world of Hugh Hefner has always been an intriguing one. In 2011, NBC attempted to take us inside his world with The Playboy Club. Sadly, the scripted series was cancelled after three episodes....
Rachael Ray returns to SXSW 2017
The Rachael Ray SXSW trend continues in 2017. That's right, the celebrity chef and talk show host is back hosting her Feedback party for the 10th year! The best selling author is also an official...
Jason Headley talks A Bad Idea Gone Wrong, SXSW and Micklethwait Craft Meats.
When two thieves accidentally arm the alarm system and have to break OUT of the house they just broke into, that's a bad idea gone wrong. Hence the name of our next SXSW film profile. As if that's...
The ladies behind Signature Move talk lucha libre, Texas and losing their SXSW virginity
The SXSW film Signature Move is described as a comedic and heartfelt look at modern families and the complexities of love in its many forms. More intriguing, perhaps, is the fact that the film...
Peter Vack talks SXSW, Independent Film and Assholes
Our series of SXSW previews continues with Peter Vack and his outrageous comedy called Assholes. Assholes revolves around recovering addicts struggling to stay sober, who relapse and become the...
Will Perez Hilton return to SXSW 2017
SInce 2008, there have been killer Perez Hilton SXSW parties in Austin. And ATXgossip has been there since day one. As the years have gone by, SXSW parties have gotten more competitive and, let's...