When the Manifest cast came to Austin for the ATX TV Festival, Melissa Roxburgh chatted with Spill the ATX on the red carpet. While taking our Texas This or That quiz, the actress was forced to choose between Lizzo and Beyonce, Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey and more!
Here’s how Melissa Roxburgh answered our Texas This or That quiz!
The first two quiz questions are quick and easy. Queso or guac? “Guac,” she chose, followed by pulled pork when asked to choose brisket or pulled pork.
Next up, it was onto more difficult TV and celebrity related Qs.

Friday Night Lights TV show or movie? This is hotly contested with our followers online, but Melissa chose TV show as she hasn’t even seen the movie – and perhaps didn’t realize there is one.
Beyonce or Lizzo? Beyonce, she said. James Marsden or James Van Der Beek? She chose Marsden.
When asked to choose between Harrelson or McConaughey, she first chose Woody. But then she said she feels like maybe nowadays it’s McConaughey. She went on to exclaim, “They’re siblings anyway!”
Final question: George Strait or Willie Nelson? Willie was her answer.
As she moved onto the next interview, she stated, “I think I failed that, if you can fail that.”
Not true. There are no wrong answers – unless you listen to our TikTok followers, that is. Some are very passionate about their choices.
Watch the full video with Melissa Roxburgh here.